It is rare to find a compilation like this, one that flows so seamlessly and sounds so organic and coherent, gently but effortlessly grabbing the listener's attention from the beginning without any degree of intrusiveness - effectively going beyond the basic premise of a label sampler. The music in "Fabrisampler v2" spans a broad range of experimental genres, from ambient and drones to electro-acoustic and field recordings, all sharing intrinsic psychedelic qualities. In the end, "Fabriksampler v2" presents itself as an extremely interesting body of work which should definitely be checked out. Superbly curated and featuring a wealth of talented artists, it sets a very high standard for Pharmafabrik to live up to.
(Connexion Bizzare)

This album is amazing, astounding and literally perfect, only its sounds are able to define the power of it to suggest the huge and immense abyss of the collective subconscious linked to music. The artists involved in the album are perfectly tuned and their work are a continuous surprise for the ears. It's easy to focus our attention on noise guitarism mixed with ambient and glitch, ambient recording and pure experimentation, there is nothing of usual and in the same time it's not an aggressive work, that's nothing to do with noise music or harsh noise. This album is a must have and Pharmafabrik defined the secret island where these strange sounds born and are transmitted.
(Chain DLK)

Pharmafabrik are catalists to some of the best dark ambient electronica around and this sampler is a tremendous testimony to their emerging status at the forefront of this branch of experimental craftsmanship. Despite gathering all the eleven featured artists under the same umbrella for the sake of categorization, the album covers quite a lot of different ground, from droning experiences to glitch, soundtrack, experimental electronica and the list goes on.

Pharmaphabrik and their “Fabriksampler” embarks us on a voyage through cold and tormenting ambient territories with different projects like the excellent Final, Pureh, Tania Stene, Lull and the incomparable master of darkness Henrik Nordvargr Björkk. There’s a lot to experience on this “Fabriksampler” and the less I can say is that most of the projects are definitely cool and interesting.

"Meister eures Faches, vereinigt euch!" So oder ähnlich muss der Aufruf zu den beiden „Fabriksamplern“ von Pharmafabrik gewesen sein, die mit ihrem „Vol.2" den Vorgänger qualitativ noch einmal übertroffen haben. Jeder Ton sitzt, jede Melodie, so unklar und angedeutet sie auch in Erscheinung treten mag, wird mit großer Vorsicht eingewoben. Der zweite "Fabriksampler" zeigt, was Ambient eigentlich ist: Verdichtung von Klangforschung, höchst komplexe Soundkonstrukte - geistig herausfordernde, anspruchsvolle Entdeckungsreisen. Faszinierend!
(Musik Terrorverlag)

Personen, die sich ohne Scheuklappen im riesigen Dschungel der elektronischen Musik bewegen und sich für Projekte aus aller Herren Ländern begeistern können, sollten sich “V.A. – Fabriksampler Vol.2" aus dem Hause Pharmafabrik Records unbedingt zulegen – meine absolute Kaufempfehlung! “V.A. – Fabriksampler Vol.2” gehört in der Kategorie “Compilations” bestimmt zu den Highlights des Jahres 2008 – Faktum!

It's nice to be taken on a ride and Pharmafabrik is a good guide on this dark trip. Songs are all segued into eachother to make it a continuous travel through a mysterious soundworld. Excellent for a grey day in winter and of course the darkness of night, and you can just sit back not having to worry about the songselection for once.
(Musique Machine)

Listening to this compilation is like drifting through a dream. Climaxes occurs with the appearrance of Pure H and his guitarbased ambient-track of beautiful soundscapes spiced by ghouls and strange voices titled "Kogel" and with the otherworldly work "Mu" from the artist Go Tsushima built on subtle rhythm textures and spacey sounds bouncing in and out. A very impressive sampler of experimental ambient from Slovenia. Highly recommended!
(Vital Weekly)

This is a great compilation. One of the best things is that all the tracks are mixed into each other, so it’s one flow, which really works in its advantage here. So, if you are into experimental electronica, drones and ambient, be sure to buy this compilations, because it contains all this.

Viele der Musiker sind auch in anderen Kunstbereichen tätig (beispielsweise Tania Steine aus Norwegen, die sich auch der Malerei, Bildhauerei und Videokunst veschrieb), daher sind die Stücke nicht unbedingt auf den Massengeschmack ausgerichtet, sondern sprechen den Freund elektronischer Klangerzeugung im Besonderen an. Man muss sich für den ungewöhnlichen Sound zwar erst öffnen, allerdings sind die Geschenke, die man dafür bekommt, ziemlich groß.

Für eine Compilation ist diese Scheibe in der Gesamterscheinung überraschend flüssig und homogen gestaltet. Es werden sogar die Stücke ineinander übergeblendet, was den jeweils eigenen Charakter natürlich nicht zerstört, aber offenbart, wie sehr den Erstellern des Samplers eine zusammenhängende Wahrnehmung am Herzen lag, was ihnen auch im Hinblick auf die Auswahl der Stücke gelungen ist. Der "Fabriksampler v2" ist jedem zu empfehlen, der ein wenig in der weiten Welt des experimentellen Ambient herumstöbern möchte.

Ena redkih slovenskih založb, specializiranih za elektronsko glasbo, na najnovejši izdaji predstavlja enajst izvajalcev in prav toliko novih skladb. Ajdovska Pharmafabrik je na kompilaciji zbrala vsebinsko raznovrstno godbo, ki sega vse od hrupnega industriala do sprošcujocih ambientalnih zvokov. Zgledno!
(RTV Slovenija)

Fabriksampler V2 se skoraj v celoti beatless razpršuje v casu in prostoru. Daje obcutek neoprijemljivosti in brezmejnosti, ki obenem straši ter fascinira. Poslušalec bo dobrih 50 minut potoval po vznemirljivem zvocnem tunelu, kjer ga caka veliko subtilnih premikov, smiselne repeticije ter zvocnih sprememb na meji cloveškega zaznavanja. Za izbrana ušesa in eden izmed albumov leta 2008!

Dlja menja naibolee interesnymi, osnovatel'no zadumannymi, izobretatel'no i moshhno realizovannymi vygljadjat treki Final, PureH, Go Tsushima i Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk. Eshhe raz podcherknu, chto kompiljacija "Fabriksampler V2" adresovana iskljuchitel'no poklonnikam ehksperimental'nojj ehlektronnojj muzyki, v osobennosti ljubiteljam dark ambienta i abstraktnogo idm. Priverzhencam drugikh ehlektronnykh stilejj podkhodit' k proslushivaniju dannogo reliza sleduet akkuratno.

Drones, ambient, experimentele elektronica en noise uit de spreekwoordelijke vier windstreken. Grotendeels geput uit de Europese scenes, maar met ook enkele vertegenwoordigers uit Rusland, Japan en Argentinië. Nergens essentieel, maar de exclusieve bijdrages van Lull, Final en Henrik Nordvargr Björkk zijn waarschijnlijk voldoende om de freaks die alles in huis willen van hun held(en) te overtuigen.
(Gonzo Circus)

Fabriksampler V2 je nekaj posebnega, saj združuje jagodni izbor izvajalcev iz sveta eksperimentalne glasbe. Še zanimiveje je, da je plošco izdala založba iz domacih logov in da na njej v skrbnem, skorajda matematicno natancnem zaporedju gosti kopico razlicnih podžanrov. Izvrstno »zložena« kompilacija.

Kompilacija Fabriksampler V2 je prvi njihov rad kojeg sam cuo i mogu ga samo opisati rijecima neocekivano iznenadenje suvremene elektronske glazbe. To je djelo na kome se nalaze izvodaci iz Europe, Azije i Južne Amerike, a svi su mahom u fahu kreativne ambijentalne eksperimentalne elektronske slobode koja ponekad ude i u sam avangardni pristup s natruhama pop melodija, post-rocka, psihodelije, pa cak i laganih glitch minijatura. Nije ovo neka nova i 'neizmišljena' glazba, ali uvodi u novo poglavlje elektronske scene 21. stoljeca i ovoj se kompilaciji valja vracati s vremena na vrijeme.

Questa interessante label slovena, dedita all'ambient e, piu in generale, alle sperimentazioni elettroniche, mette a punto una compilation assai attraente, divisa tra nomi noti e scoperte recenti. Tutti i brani sono mixati tra loro, in modo da far diventare il dischetto un'unica entita che passa da un'atmosfera all'altra in modo impercettibile. Tutto cio ne fa un prodotto allettante per chi segue l'elettronica sperimentale e d'atmosfera.
(Darkroom Magazine)

Fabriksampler Vol. 2 is tailor-made for those whose ambient taste runs towards the nightmarish end of the spectrum. The fifty-three-minute compilation is presented in a travelogue format, with one piece flowing into the next. In addition, its sequencing is rather circular in design with drone ambient settings framing the more aggressive inner pieces, the effect much like a peaceful sleep state that grows agitated during REM periods before returning to calm prior to waking.

Pharmafabrik has been putting out challenging, interesting sounds. After an initial Fabriksampler the Slovenian label returns with another compilation. V2 begins and ends with Napalm Death offshoots: Justin Broadrick and Mick Harris in their Final and Lull guises, respectively. V2 is edited so its tracks flow seamlessly into each other. One can practically hear genre barriers falling, as sound rushes in to fill the gaps.
(Invisible Oranges)

Sostav artistov, kak mozhno ubedit'sja, internacional'nyjj, odnako, po zvuchaniju i obshhemu tonu kompozicijj al'bom predstavljaet sobojj dostatochno gomogennuju strukturu. Illjuzornye rel'efy, razumeetsja, menjajutsja ot treka k treku, odnako vsja muzyka Fabriksampler V2 mogla by s legkost'ju vpisat'sja v odin akusticheski-izoljacionistskijj proekt, imejushhijj svoejj cel'ju absorbirovat' v sebja slushatelja, i trebujushhijj ot nego otreshennosti ot vsego vneshnego. Lichno menja bolee vsego vpechatlili slovency - trek PureH pod nazvaniem Kogel – po zvuchaniju napominajushhijj syrovatyjj Bad Sector s chudnymi bas-linijami i kosmicheskimi pogremushkami i granulirovannyjj shumovojj idm na linii nezhnykh sozvuchijj atan3fftrack ot Dodecahedragraph. Kak nel'zja luchshe podkhodit dlja pogruzhenija v grezy nebytijjnosti.

Merging dark soundscapes with inspiring ambient sounds and never-heard before noises you receive a liberating aural pleasure! The special about this sampler or call it compilation is the fact that it sounds like an album. This proves that the selectors of Pharmafabrik take their job serious and love music! This is one of the best experimental compilations you can get nowadays – darkness and light merged together to something new. A must have!
(Cue Mix)

While staying in the genre’s of electronic and ambient, the tracks as a whole show us just how diverse those styles can be. That said the music within as a whole, is a good representation of the electronic/ambient style.
(Heathen Harvest)

Aus dem slowenischen Raum kommend, beschert uns das Label Pharmafabrik mit seinem "Fabriksampler V2" eine Zusammenstellung elektronischer Experimental-, IDM- und Dark-Ambientmusik, die wie der Name verheißt, schon in die zweite Runde geht. Dabei reichte das Porto auch für Einladungen über das europäische Festland hinaus, um unter anderem Sunao Inami und Go Tsushima aus Japan, The Cherry Blues Project aus Argentinien oder auch Lull (aka Mick Harris) aus dem Vereinigten Königreich zu verpflichten. Vereinigt werden sie übrigens allesamt durch den "in the mix", da alle Titel ineinander übergehen.

Undici brani da un unico filo conduttore: suonare dallo spazio profondo e raggiungere gli angoli piu remoti dell’universo per scandagliare qualunque buco nero con le onde soniche prodotte dall’animo umano meccanico. Questa musica pulisce l’anima dalle nefandezze del mondo moderno, distacca la realta dal corpo fisico e lascia vagare i pensieri senza un nesso logico apparente, almeno non secondo il pensiero umano, e adattandosi alle forme dello spazio. Riflessioni spontanee della natura umana.
(Rosa Selvaggia)