“Keshiki” displays elements of
discordant chaos armed with a cacophony of
noise, dreamscapes, pitch-shifting tones,
and drones. Weird two tracks of 79 minutes
or so but well worth the journey.
The tracks succeed into creating a layer
of fluctuating synth like sounds which stimulate
the brainwaves of the listener.
Die beiden Masterminds Cuckoo und Go Tsushima
verwenden Gitarre und Effekte, um eine Atmosphäre
zu schaffen, die gleichzeitig harmonisch und
beunruhigend sein soll, wobei sie Zweiteres
besser zu treffen verstehen. Ambient in seiner
minimalsten Form.
Njihova brezbitna transcendentalna nerazburjajoca
glasbena podlaga ni namenjena poskakovanju
in poplesavanju, ampak prej leanju v
naravi s prevelikim odmerkom magicnih gob
v elodcu.
Hard to think this is live music and keeps
me wondering about the venue would be like,
in my imagination I am seeing a Buddhist temple.
Very nice work.
No chance to escape from this masterpiece.
One of the most exciting journeys into a new
world of sound heard for a long time. Perfect
Duet si na Keshiki v najboljšem primeru
podaja roke s kozmicno glasbo zgodnjih sedemdesetih
ter na trenutke zelo efektivno zapolnjuje
prostor in poslušalca, v najslabšem
primeru pa poslušalca morijo z neprijetnimi
efekti, njegovo potrpeljivost pa preveckrat
preizkušajo s predolgimi monotonimi deli.
Za posebne trenutke!